Recent content by saadaoui

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  1. S

    pluss firmware kxd d70

    Get info Phone information Model: D70 Manufacturer: KXD Device code: D70 Product name: D70 Brand: KXD Android information Version: 11 SDK: 30 Security patch: 2022-06-05 Build ID: RP1A.201005.001 Display ID: D70_JZ_KXD_V11.0_oy_20220815 Build date: Mon Aug 15 14:39:23 CST 2022 Build description...
  2. S

    pluss firmware kxd d70

    غدا بحول الله
  3. S

    pluss firmware kxd d70

    pluss firmware kxd d70 محتاجها اكيد الله يجازيكم كل خير